SuporteTecnicoID escreveu:rode pelo terminal debugando o comando para verificar passo a passo o que acontece....
sh -x
Veja a baixo... não deu...
usuario@KDuXPv1x98:~/Macbuntu-10.04$ sh -x
sh: Can't open
usuario@KDuXPv1x98:~/Macbuntu-10.04$ sudo sh -x
sh: Can't open
usuario@KDuXPv1x98:~/Macbuntu-10.04$ sh -x
+ UBUVER=10.04
+ UBUNTU=Ubuntu 10.04
+ MACBUNTU=Macbuntu-10.04
+ MACBUNTUHOME=/home/usuario/.macbuntu
+ CURRENT=/home/usuario/.macbuntu/10.04-2.3
+ BACKUP=/home/usuario/.macbuntu/backup
+ date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
+ BACKUPDIR=/home/usuario/.macbuntu/backup/2011-10-17-03:41
+ BACKUPCURRENT=/home/usuario/.macbuntu/backup/current
+ ps -o pid= -C compiz
+ ps -o pid= -C docky
+ ps -o pid= -C cairo-dock
+ ps -o pid= -C avant-window-navigator
+ xdpyinfo
+ grep -i dimensions:
+ sed s/[^0-9]*pixels.*(.*).*//
+ sed s/[^0-9x]*//
+ RESOLUTION=1440x900
+ echo 1440x900
+ sed s/.*x//
+ VRES=900
+ echo 1440x900
+ sed s/x.*//
+ HRES=1440
+ uname -m
+ ARCH=i686
+ [ i686 == x86_64 ]
[: 1: i686: unexpected operator
+ echo x32
+ force=
+ tester=0
+ dirname --
+ cd -- .
+ echo
+ echo Macbuntu - Mac OS X Transformation Pack
Macbuntu - Mac OS X Transformation Pack
+ echo The Macbuntu installation script automatically installs and configures
The Macbuntu installation script automatically installs and configures
+ echo all necessary system components to mimic Mac OS X appearance on Ubuntu Linux
all necessary system components to mimic Mac OS X appearance on Ubuntu Linux
+ echo
+ echo Macbuntu-10.04 v2.3
Macbuntu-10.04 v2.3
+ echo
+ echo Include
+ echo * Paw-OSX and Paw-Ubuntu Plymouth themes
* Paw-OSX and Paw-Ubuntu Plymouth themes
+ echo * Macbuntu sound theme
* Macbuntu sound theme
+ echo * Macbuntu GTK theme based on GTK Leopard
* Macbuntu GTK theme based on GTK Leopard
+ echo * Macbuntu-Icons based on Mac4Lin and Faenza Icons
* Macbuntu-Icons based on Mac4Lin and Faenza Icons
+ echo * Macbuntu-Cursors based on Shere Khan X
* Macbuntu-Cursors based on Shere Khan X
+ echo * Mac OS X backgrounds
* Mac OS X backgrounds
+ echo * Mac OS X fonts
* Mac OS X fonts
+ echo
+ echo Installation
+ echo * Compiz Extras
* Compiz Extras
+ echo * Global Menu
* Global Menu
+ echo * Docky
* Docky
+ echo * Ubuntu-Tweak
* Ubuntu-Tweak
+ echo * Cheese
* Cheese
+ echo
+ echo Configuration
+ echo * Login screen
* Login screen
+ echo * Metacity
* Metacity
+ echo * Compiz effects
* Compiz effects
+ echo * Window theme
* Window theme
+ echo * Backgrounds
* Backgrounds
+ echo * Cursors
* Cursors
+ echo * Icons
* Icons
+ echo * Top panel
* Top panel
+ echo
+ echo Attention!
+ echo Script significantly changes the desktop.
Script significantly changes the desktop.
+ echo Not compatible with Ubuntu Netbook Edition.
Not compatible with Ubuntu Netbook Edition.
+ echo If a previous version of Macbuntu-10.04 is installed it will be overwritten.
If a previous version of Macbuntu-10.04 is installed it will be overwritten.
+ chk_system
+ echo
+ echo Checking Ubuntu version...
Checking Ubuntu version...
+ cat /etc/issue
+ grep -i Ubuntu 10.04
+ s=
+ [ ! -n ]
+ echo Failed. System not supported, script will end here
Failed. System not supported, script will end here
+ echo To ignore their compatibility with current OS try ./ force
To ignore their compatibility with current OS try ./ force
+ echo Exiting...
+ exit 1